Thursday, September 30, 2010

Research Paper Possibility.

For this upcoming research paper, I'm not exactly sure what I want to choose to do yet, however I'm leaning towards research paper #4 'Portraying Minds'. I feel propelled to do my topic on paper #4 because I love watching movies and films especially because its topic is on mental illnesses and conditions that catches my attention. I've heard a lot about a few of the movie choices that's listed but I have never got a chance to view them yet. So I will like this chance to both watch the films that fit my interests and also write a research paper regarding the film(s) I watched. I think I will enjoy this assignment a lot. I look foward to research these conditions that I'm not aware of to better understand the symptons and conditions others may face. This may really help me understand myself more because I want to become a counselor that aids and assist people with lack abilities someday. But again, I'm not positive that I'm going to choose this topic.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Freewrite regarding essay #1

I have a strong urge to write this essay on Temple Grandin because I felt inspired by her story. I also prefer to write this paper on Temple rather than the negative use of Internet Technology because I got so much out of her story that educated me about this common disorder. Autism is becoming a common disorder for some, I too want to become a supporter of this disability. It was especially heart-felt when I viewed the 'Bio-Pic film' to learn that most Autistic people like Temple not only have disabilites but have many advantages that most people do not.
The inspiration she allowed others to have after sharing her own experiences has opened the doors and ears or many people around the world. Her couragious, intellectually different and inspirational life has

*---Welcome to my blog---*

Hello all!

Welcome to SoJin's Cluster Course Blog.
This cluster courses' main topics of study are Brains, Minds, Conciousness.
