Thursday, September 30, 2010

Research Paper Possibility.

For this upcoming research paper, I'm not exactly sure what I want to choose to do yet, however I'm leaning towards research paper #4 'Portraying Minds'. I feel propelled to do my topic on paper #4 because I love watching movies and films especially because its topic is on mental illnesses and conditions that catches my attention. I've heard a lot about a few of the movie choices that's listed but I have never got a chance to view them yet. So I will like this chance to both watch the films that fit my interests and also write a research paper regarding the film(s) I watched. I think I will enjoy this assignment a lot. I look foward to research these conditions that I'm not aware of to better understand the symptons and conditions others may face. This may really help me understand myself more because I want to become a counselor that aids and assist people with lack abilities someday. But again, I'm not positive that I'm going to choose this topic.


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