Saturday, November 27, 2010

Critical Thnking Blog #3

 Human Cloning can be defined as making or creating of a exact copy of an existing being. The issue that arises is whether or not human cloning would be ethical and or possible to accept in our actual world. There are two types of human cloning "therapeutic cloning" and "reproductive cloning". Therapeutic cloning the use cloning of adult cells for medicine and reproductive cloning is involved with making cloned humans. Ray Kurzweil states that "Cloning will be a key technology- not for cloning actual humans but for life-extension purposes, in the form of 'therapeutic cloning' " (121). Kurzweil reveals that cloning is not a good deed for human purposes, but it can solve the problems of life-extension, such as the extinction of animals and world hunger. In Kurzweil's article he presents a solution for a problem that came about due to ‘cloning’ he states "Cloning technologies even offer a possible solution for world hunger; creating meat and other protein sources in a factory without animals by cloning animal muscle tissue" (124). Cloning can be used to stop the killing of animals for food which will eventually lower the rate of ‘world hunger’. On the other hand Caryl Churchill expresses how he feels in the play A Number. In the play, A Number, a character named Salter states "but I didn't know, that wasn’t part of the deal. They were meant to make one of you not a while number, they stole that, we’ll deal with, it's something for lawyers. But you're what I wanted, you're the one" (158). This shows that cloning can come with problems with identity and bias treatment of one and not the other within a household. This idea stated within this play written by Caryl Churchill has contrary ideas in comparison to Ray Kurzweil’s. Even though the concept of ‘cloning’ has been used for cloning animals for good use, there had been also a quite of few of downfalls. One example is Dolly the sheep, the first successfully cloned mammal or was she? she got very sick and eventually died. This shows that we don’t have the good enough equipment to always come up with successful clones. The 6th Day, shows the story of a man who finds out that he has been cloned unwillingly. This movie presents a view that the concept of cloning is merely for convenience purposes and nothing of this is due to improvement of our lives. This film clip has always allowed me to wonder humans will eventually be replaced with a clone of us. The main character felt ashamed and unhappy that his family was oblivious to this fact about himself, that he was not authentic. But yet they all fulfilled all the tasks and duties as if he was really himself. Concluding all that I’ve mentioned above, I believe that there won’t ever be an strong enough argument and evidence to argue whether ‘cloning’ is good or bad. Nor do I think there will ever be a one hundred percent successful clone that can be recognized. We do not have the proper materials nor the mind to recreate naturalistic human. We are formed in such a diverse dynamic way, we cannot be mimicked.

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