Monday, November 29, 2010

Final draft follow-up

So far, I have been on task with all the milestones for this research paper. My most recent milestone has not yet  been revised due late submission so I am unable to tell you how i did so far. However, I feel as though I've done my part of the research for this paper and i'm excited to see the final draft. I have put use of all the datatbases available to us such as lexis nexis, JSTOR, The Gale Virtual Library, and even the databases available to us by Laguardia. I have found some very interesting case studies, scholarly articles, and newspaper articles that I used towards my last draft. I have not included resource from a book yet. Honestly I havent even searched for one yet. If anyone knows any books on 'Anterograde Amnesia' it'll help me out. My paper is flawed and needs more work, i know this. So i will work to perfect it soon.


  1. Sounds like a interesting topic! I want to read your research paper after your done.
