Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sharing a Source

              The most useful database I found information from was on Lexis Nexis. It helped me come across actual case histories of people who are and is overcoming this condition of anterograde amnesia. Like the article, "Understanding the Mystery of Memory", this New York Times article I discovered on Lexis Nexis shares the story of a twenty-seven year-old man by the name of H.M who suffered from a condition called eilepsy. He underwent surgery to "sorta" treat his condition which meant he had to remove some parts of himself such as his inner ear and also the hippocampus. If you didn't know already, the hippocampus is the part of the brain that helps formulate memory. He successfully underwent his surgery, alive, but with another condition called anterograde amnesia. Researchers then realized that by removing the hippocampus, outcomes such as H.M.'s will occur. The indirect experiment done on this man, will help me to see the more factual details of how this condition occurs. And ways to prevent it. This source along with many others i've discovered can help me formulate a solid argument that the film Memento does not portray the actual occurence of the condition and that the film is a dramatized version of its actuality.
